January 3, 2022 City Council Agenda Packet

The City Council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 PM on January 3, 2022 in the City Council Chambers facility located at 303 Bury Street. The meeting space has a limited amount of seating capacity. To reserve a space in advance of the meeting please provide your name via email or sign up at City Hall during business hours.

Comments on any agenda item in the regular meeting may be submitted in advance and will be taken until 1:00 PM on the day of the meeting.  Public comment during the meetings will be limited to 3 minutes and you will need to contact the Clerk's office to speak at (913) 845-2620 or email by 1:00 PM on the day of the meeting.  While the public is encouraged to submit comments in advance, meetings that include public hearings will include opportunities for public comment during the meeting. Please be prepared to give your first name, last name, and address for the public record.

Proper meeting decorum is expected of all in attendance at the meeting and anyone who fails to act properly may be removed from the meeting. The City reserves the right to discontinue a meeting if any improper behavior occurs which prevents the uninterrupted conduct of business.

The City of Tonganoxie YouTube Channel is used to broadcast live streams of public meetings and it can be accessed and subscribed to at the link provided below. Following completion of the meeting there will commonly be up to a 72 hour delay before the publication of a recording of the meeting on the YouTube channel.

Any additional materials will be posted on the City's website prior to the meeting.

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